APP: EDI for Business Central

Electronic Data Interchange made easy with EDI for Business Central

Today, the electronic processing of data is often required by customers and suppliers. With our app "EDI for Business Central“ , we guarantee your success! 

Your benefits

The BE-terna app "EDI for Business Central" convinces with its simplicity and intuitive use. Integrate your sales and purchasing processes in just a few steps. Our in-house format supports the following sales and purchasing processes:  

Sales processes: 

  • ORDERS (incoming Order) 
  • ORDRSP (outgoing Order response)
  • ORDCHG (incoming Order change)
  • DESADV (outgoing Dispatch advice)
  • INVOIC (outgoing Invoice) 

Purchasing processes:

  • ORDERS (outgoing Purchase Order) 
  • ORDRSP (incoming Purchase Order response)
  • ORDCHG (outgoing Purchase Order change) 
  • DESADV (incoming PurchaseDispatch advice) 
  • INVOIC (incoming Purchase Invoice) 

Modules and functionalities

document handling

Data transfer

Each incoming and outgoing message is added as a separate document to the existing standard sales and purchasing document, ensuring full transparency in BC. The user decides whether a document should be included in an existing sales- and purchasing document or not. 

Data transfer to customers, suppliers or partners and required mappings are handled by any external provider of your choice. Here we recommend our partner ecosio. The exchange of data between Business Central and the external provider of your choice, is either file-based or in the cloud via a WebAPI interface. 

Trusted by

EDI for Business central
Do you need Help?
Contact us under the following links. We will answer you within the next 2 working days.