Nudimo rezultate. Započnite svoje putovanje digitalne transformacije danas i otkrijte šta je moguće za vaše poslovanje sutra.
Nudimo prilagođena rešenja za vašu industriju. Izaberite svoju industriju i saznajte kako možemo da vam pomognemo da transformišete vaše poslovanje.
Whether in the specialist retail trade, for chain stores, outlets or trade fair sales - BE-POS helps you to optimally connect cash registers, marketing and administration.
BE-POS is a Microsoft-certified POS solution that represents a logical addition to the flow of goods in retail companies:
BE-POS is fully integrated into Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and BE-terna Fashion.
Take advantage of all the benefits the cloud offers.
Design the cash register interface individually and fully to your needs.
Check the receipt data of the cash register and post it correctly in the financial accounting.
Manage discounts and rebates with the campaign module.
BE-POS provides you with extensive multichannel and omnichannel functionalities.
Many options and interfaces in addition to the standard means of payment.
We offer alternatives, if the customer does not find what he is looking for.
Integrate your customer card program into BE-POS.
BE-POS meets all requirements for protection against manipulation.
Ukoliko planirate da implementirate ERP rešenje u internacionalnoj kompaniji nije na odmet da osigurate da dodatno ekspertsko znanje bude na vašoj strani. Bez obzira da li vam usaglašavanje rešenja sa zakonskim regulativama različitih zemalja predstavlja izazov ili vam se čini da vam je potrebna dodatna pomoć oko testiranja implementiranog rešenja, od koristi je da na projektu imate i konsultanta koji u potpunosti razume i mogućnosti ERP rešenja i načine za optimizovanje vaših poslovnih procesa. Kada je kompanija Pernod Ricard odlučila da osigura uspeh svoje implementacije, kao partnera za lokalizaciju i kao konsultantsku pomoć, odabrala je kompaniju BE-terna.
We’re looking forward to showing you our Customer Engagement platform for Banking Industry.Just complete the form below, and let us show you around with a product demo based on your needs.