Vi ger dig resultat. Starta din digitala omvandlingsprocess nu och upptäck möjligheterna för ert företag i morgon.
Vi erbjuder skräddarsydda lösningar för din bransch.
Optimise cash flow, reduce stock levels and automate purchase ordering processes.
Use state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms to enhance and automate sales forecasting.
Improve your service level while reducing stock levels.
Free your resources from manual data cleaning.
Load your trucks with an optimal product-mix to lower transportation costs.
Provide your top locations with top products.
Use AI-models to recognise upward trends.
Data provided in predefined forms will serve as a starting point for a quick scan of how demand forecasting and replenishment optimisation can work with your data.
Extensive validation of your data (up to 500 items) including major restrictions and historical sales/stock data. The end result is a ROI calculation for tested items in terms of reducing stock-outs and reducing cashflow on overstocked items.
Full integration of replenishment processes in your operational work. Self-service BI tool used for interpretability. All key restrictions taken into consideration together with external data in order to improve the precision of estimations and to provide an enhanced customer-care phase in which our experts work with you step by step on the adoption of the new system.
Identify and capture new opportunities with the power of AI.
Empower your business with modern data analytics platform.
Align your data and reporting to your business strategy.
Världen inom supply chain management utvecklas snabbt. Globalisering, tekniska innovationer och ökade kundförväntningar gör det nödvändigt för företag att ompröva sina processer. När vi närmar oss 2025 ökar kraven på moderna leveranskedjor – digitalt, flexibelt och hållbart är den nya standarden. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain Management ger företag de verktyg de behöver för att förbli konkurrenskraftiga i denna dynamiska miljö. I denna artikel utforskar vi de viktigaste trenderna inom supply chain management för 2025 och hur D365 FSCM hjälper företag att hantera framtidens utmaningar.